Oxygen therapy, also known as supplemental oxygen, is a medical treatment for people whose bodies aren’t absorbing enough oxygen to keep them healthy. There are various diseases and health problems that require treatment with oxygen therapy. Depending on individual health circumstances, some people may receive oxygen therapy for their entire lives, while others will only need it for a short while. Regardless of why someone needs the therapy or for how long, it’s important to know how starting oxygen can affect someone. If your doctor has recently prescribed oxygen therapy and you’re wondering how an oxygen concentrator could affect your lungs, we can help. Keep reading to learn more about oxygen concentrators.
Positive Effects
An oxygen concentrator sucks regular air in, removes the nitrogen, and provides concentrated levels of oxygen to whoever is using the machine. This concentrated oxygen will go into your lungs first as you breathe; from there, the oxygen goes through your blood to the rest of your body. Your lungs will feel like they work better, and you’ll find it easier to breathe. The rest of your body will also feel better since you’re getting the oxygen you need. You’ll sleep better, have more energy, and concentrate better.
Negative Effects
Unfortunately, few medical treatments come without side effects, and oxygen therapy is no exception. Some people experience headaches, become easily fatigued, and suffer from nosebleeds. Some nosebleeds are caused by the nasal cannula drying out the nose; using a humidifier and hydrating lotion can stop them from happening. If you’re starting oxygen therapy with an oxygen concentrator soon, talk to your doctor about these potential side effects.
Effects if Used Unnecessarily
If your doctor does not prescribe oxygen therapy with an oxygen concentrator and you use one to breathe anyways, you could experience medical problems. You can permanently damage your lungs by breathing concentrated oxygen that your lungs don’t need. Always speak with a medical professional and get a prescription before trying oxygen therapy.
Oxygen concentrators affect your lungs by helping you breathe easier. While most effects are positive, there is always a risk of negative side effects, so speak with your doctor before starting oxygen therapy. Once your doctor has cleared you to start oxygen therapy, look for cheap oxygen machines that are pre-owned and refurbished so that you can breathe easier on a budget. The right machine will meet all your medical and financial needs.